Monday, June 29, 2009

What Is A Regional Affiliate? And For That Matter, What Is It Not?!

Traditionally ISTE affiliates have been defined by state boundaries. It makes sense; schools are generally identified by their geo-political location. But in the last ten years, technology has broken down the traditonal boundaries, be it four classroom walls, political boundaries, and even global distances. Regional affiliates have become a sensible next step in collaborating beyond traditional boundaries. Never talked to the next school district over from you? Never collaborate with the next county over because you have to take the bridge across the river? Never collaborate with the state next door regardless how close it is to you simply because it's not technically the same state? It's time to ask yourself why! In past eras these kinds of assumptions may have been accepted as "the way it is." But now that resources are dwindling and the Web is expanding the classroom, is it acceptable to be that provincial, that parochial anymore?

A regional affiliate is an umbrella organization - a consortium - that brings cohesion and communication across existing organizations to promote opportunities for coordination and collaboration when some or all of the organizations involved are interested in working together for the mutual benefit of all their memberships.

A regional affiliate:

- facilitates discussion among like-minded organizations
- helps to establish a common vision and initiatives across the region
- encourages cooperation by finding common points of energy aka "synergy"
- cultivates communication among state tech directors whose educators are involved
- promotes partnerships that promote cooperation, teamwork and 21st century skills
- fosters a culture of collaboration which can expand beyond the region to global opportunities
- shares energy and ideas so like-minded organizations are not trying to "re-invent the wheel" in isolation
- nurtures models of success that can be shared and replicated across the region
- develops a stronger voice for educational technology by sheer numbers of membership
- creates opportunities for savings as services are delivered on an economy of scale

At the same time, a regional affiliate:

- does not compete with member organizations
- does not supplant the governance of member organizations
- does not interfere with the independent operation of member organizations
- does not usurp the individual character, unique charism and/or individual authority of member organizations'
- is advised by a regional Board consisting of representatives from each member organization

Yes there are concerns and considerations that need to be negotiated in forming a regional affiliate, but the resulting benefits are worth it.

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